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Full Version: PES PRO Changelog 1.9.5
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- Mailing system was improved, now this system use PHPMailer to send emails
- "Report" system was improved, now admin can ignore or delete multiple reports on the same time
- A list with multi-accounts on the same IP was added on admin panel
- The stats from admin panel, were improved
- Some security improvements and bugs fixed
Great update except the addurl.php, after update there is free space on first place, so I've replaced with backed up file and it works fine again...
Hi i would like to have some help..

I did update the script
I was 1.93 and updated to 1.95 but the update 1.93-1.94 have an theme/pes/style.css change, but what exactly changed because i have allot hours in changing the css, so can i use the old 1 or are them some important chages? please explane

Thnks for time and effort! Big Grin
I think that was the one with the Share button (third line from the bottom of the code begins to):