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My suggestion it is about reporting pages. It would would be good an immediate block reported framebreaker or abuse page until the admin could verify, and so then he will enable again if the report wasn't suitable.

Isn't a good ideea, many will abuse and will report pages without reasons, just to see them blocked until you check. And then, will report them again and again.

Agree. How would the users know the pages get suspended till the admin checks it?

I think adding it would be good, then you can allow the admin to turn if off and on via the admin panel or make it if the page was reported 2 times it will be suspended or whatever number the admin wants.
reported pages must badly be sorted somehow... by date eventually.

if you have over 2000 reports it is painful to take care of them in random order like they're displayed right now.
@murlox, we don't implenet that feature, as I told, users will abuse this system, isn't hard to find that pages are automatically disable, if you know that is enough, is a metter of days until few users find this and then everyone know and abuse the system.

@adb12, reports are ordered by report time, if a page is reported 3 times and other pages just once, then page reported 3 times is showed first.