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Full Version: automatically available nickname suggestion
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Hello Admin,

I think it will be good idea if you add automatically available nickname suggestion in registration process , i think it will make registration process be more easy so we will have no chance to loose any user.

This is clearly not need to the user may forget the the nickname!
You may not understand what i mean ,

there are alot of new users when they try to register , system tell them username or email is taken

So our system should give them automaticly choices for availabe nicknames


we must disable nickname usage , and in regstration process it's enough to register with only email ID , and we can change nickname to be like First name + Last name

so email will be the only way to login if our request can't be done

Than you do not like the usual check in?
sometimes users when they can't register or found any difficulties in registration process leave your site Sad
Jeeze, how many users do you have that their usernames are taken?

I've had 30K+ users and never had 1 complaint about their username being taken.

Nickname suggestion is not a good ideea, because after a while user will forget his nickname. But, in next update we will make a little change on registration form, more exactly, when somebody type any username, if is available input will be green, otherwise will be red (the same for email).

Oh that's great news! Smile
It would not hurt to add still check the password strength

On v1.9.6 was added username and email address check on registration, if is available input will be green, otherwise will be red.
