Hi Admin,
Have one small problem in Admin area..
I did upgraded to the latest 1.9.8 version and also system/version.php but i cant get rid off this 2 ( see attachment please )..
Just to make it more clear this is not new i have this from the 1.9.6 upgrade i think ...
It is a small problem but annoying one ... any idea what did i miss ?
Just did find out that founds are not transferred automatically to the member when he add the money to his account .. any idea why this has happen ?
And i have all set up for Automatically ( see attachment please )
Thank You
First proble, try to re-upload:
- admin-panel/index.php
- system/version.php
- system/config.php
Second problem, make sure that your Paypal account is a bussiness account and also you use your primary Paypal email. Everything works fine with the system, we checked.
Ok will try that for the first problem ...
But for the second i already checked and my PayPal is a bussiness account + i use only 1 email which is the primary one ( see screenshots please )
Thank You
We will check to see if there is any problem, but I doubt that, as long as we received a payment today (on PES Pro), and everything was fine.
Anyway, also try to re-upload "system/payments/" folder.
Hi Admin,
Tried everything above but all is the same 1st and 2nd problem ...
What else can i try to solve the 2nd PayPal problem ?
We believe that Paypal made some changes on their IPN that stopped working, but we will release an update in few days.
Great Thank You Admin

I have the same problem, when the user makes a payment it is not reflected automatically.
My PAYPAL account is the principal in PES PRO and this problem is not solved and the account is bussiness account.
What script version do you have? Make sure that you update to latest version (v2.0.0), because IPN was fixed on this version.