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I am setting up my PES Pro and have got it all done except for the YouTube API.

The instructions in PES Pro say:

1) Login into your Youtube account, go to Google APIs Console and if appear something like "Start using the Google APIs console", click on Create project... else jump to step 2

2) In the left menu click on Services, go to bottom of the page and enable YouTube Data API v3

3) In the left menu click on API Access, copy API key and paste it on Youtube API Key, here on settings.

4) Save changes and you're done, your Youtube module is now active

But I think the Google API's have changed a little since that was written. When I go there I can enable the Data API v3, and then am asked what kind of API key I want to create.

Do I want a server key or a browser key?

Yes this was very difficult to follow when we updated our exchange, no sure what we did to get it running though!
Hi Andy,

By the way welcome to our amazing community Smile

As Steve did mention ... I am also not sure what I did put in when that new changes ( from YouTube ) did take place..

But why not try all of them and see what is working ( not sure but I think you need the browser key )


YouTube was a little bit changed, but now so much, is pretty easy to get api key.

1) Login into your Youtube account, go to Hidden content for guests and if appear something like "Start using the Google APIs console", click on Create project... else jump to step 2
2) In the left menu click on APIs & auth and enable YouTube Data API v3
3) In the left menu click on API & auth -> Credentials, copy API key and paste it on Youtube API Key, in your admin panel at YouTube Settings.
4) Save changes and you're done.