I want to pressent my site:
Hidden content for guests and to get you suggestions or comments.
I have edited the site my way and added modules coded by me.
Tell me what do you think.
(03-06-2014, 02:58 AM)Breaker Wrote: [ -> ]Hidden content for guests
It's really awesome, great enhancements their, I am interested to get the contest module, are you selling this module?
Hello msocialh
Yes the module is for sell, BUT you have to know that this module is not a stand alone moldule as you need to add some functions to the pes pro files for this module to work.
If you are interested please PM me.
It's really awesome website, Keep it up

I have just launch the mobile version of Like4.us
Check it our and tell me what do you think !
http://m.like4.us (Available only for mobile devices)
Thank you.
(03-13-2015, 01:29 PM)Breaker Wrote: [ -> ]Hidden content for guests
I've checked it from mobile device, it's really awesome! Keep it up

Nide and information in the core.
The link is wrong !
try to put it right