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Full Version: How to we add things to the menu
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Hello can some one tell me what files do i need to change to add remove things from the earn coins menu please in latest update

Trying to get my modules to show as some are missing since update

Thanks for any advice gareth
Hi gareth

What are you missing?

Generally, the earn coins menu can be edited in header.php.

You can add additional menu items by creating an additional div with class "ucp_link"

Active modules appear there automatically, activated by the <?=hook_filter('top_menu_earn',"")?> command in header.php which calls forward module links to the menu from the 'register_filter' instruction in index.php in each system/module folder. The filter instruction is processed by system/libs/functions.php (around line 303) but I strongly suggest that you don't attempt to alter anything in functions.php unless you REALLY know what you are doing.

You can short cut this filter process by adding a manual menu link (div with class "ucp_link") and adding a direct link to the module page like http://yourexchangename/p.php?p=module_name. If you do this remember it will be overwritten the next time header.php gets a version update (most updates)
Hi Steve

Thank you for your reply,I am missing my Facebook and I need to add you tube to my menu again, I do respect the authors wishers for not supporting it just I need a few things on there once again thank you for your time in responding it is very much appreciated Tried looking but still cant locate it no idea how to get to menu.

i have looked in header and foter put cant find menu but when i log in and view source
I se <div class="ucp_menu"> with youtube etc i have tried note pad+ still no luck any ideas
still having problems any one advice please