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would I require for council for this question, that made you of the E-mail not checked to let them to you leave on standby or validated them to you you even at the end of a certain time?

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I wonder if this is what I pa noticed by registering on some sites do not always receive the activation email and I email Resend activation and its still not working so my registration block remains in the Email Unverified

From what i understand you're having troubles with sending activation email to the user? If so make sure your hosting provider allows you to send emails, or if you have the port 25 open, otherwise you might use a SMTP service such as gmail, hotmail, aol, yahoo... as a gateway for your emails.
If you are still unable to send emails you may manual activate the user or disable the email activation module.


The problem is not my site because my email but works well on some sites or I enrolled I never even received the activation e-mail by sending the activation e-mail and this does not always work


The problem is on your server, script uses by default basic mail() function. If you server have limited emails or is blacklisted and other stuff like this, there is nothing we can do to help you. Either you disable email verification, either you start using SMTP. There is no error in the script.

Yes, there is no error, but you ( could add PHPMailer to PES Pro.

PES Pro already uses PHPMailer.
