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Full Version: Mini game Wheel of Fortune
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(07-01-2016, 11:41 PM)rudolfrasta2 Wrote: [ -> ]Hidden content for guests

I will probably add in the near future
Allright, thanks. When you have it added (in the near future) I will defenetly buy it. Idea

I have another question... I saw in your demo-installation a tumblr module, but I can't find it in your shop!?
(07-02-2016, 12:33 AM)rudolfrasta2 Wrote: [ -> ]Hidden content for guests

He's not for sale for two reasons
1.Price (50$)
2.Users will need to provide token.
3.Tumblr probably will block your app after some time.
Ok, I understand... I have subscribed the thread. Please post again if you are ready with the changes in the game. Thank you very much Smile
Hello, for module Wheel of Fortune update.

What's new?
1.Added animation, Win and Lose.
2.Added sound, Win, Lose, No coins.
3.More precisely determine the winning and losing.
4.Significantly reduced load on the website.
5.Added message Win, Lose, No coins.
6.No need to refresh the results page (Automatically updated after each click).

More details here: Hidden content for guests

[IMG]Hidden content for guests[/IMG] [IMG]Hidden content for guests[/IMG]
Really nice Smile ==> I will write you a PM
(09-14-2016, 10:08 PM)rudolfrasta2 Wrote: [ -> ]Hidden content for guests

Thank you.Smile
hi I like the modules you have on
I only at minute have $10 in my paypal pm can you take it for the twitch module please PM Or email me if you can take $10 for twitch and edit your link price on the site ill purchase today
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