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Full Version: Banner error
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I am trying to add a banner to the site but I am getting this error:

"Your banner format must be JPG, PNG or GIF!"

Now, the fun part is that I tried with .JPG .PNG and .GIF and I am still getting the error. The image is 468x60 and I have the latest version.

Check if function "getimagesize()" works well on your server. Script works well, but if that script is disabled on your server, or doesn't works well, this is why you get errors.
How we know and how to check it "getimagesize()" at server site??

Create a test file, for example, create test.php and add this code in that file:

PHP Code:
Hidden content for guests 

After that, upload that file via FTP where you have installed our script, and access that file from browser, something like:

Tell me what result returns.
I am getting this: 0
Well, that's a problem. Correct result is

PHP Code:
Hidden content for guests 

I can't help you with that, you have to contact your webhost provider and ask them about that function, why doesn't work (I think was disabled on server configuration).
(12-24-2012, 02:33 AM)Admin Wrote: [ -> ]Hidden content for guests

I just did, and they said that the site is working fine Sad

EDIT: NVM, they will look into this issue.
(12-23-2012, 11:05 AM)Galaxian Wrote: [ -> ]Hidden content for guests

Im with the same problem on my website.
@JeanFerreira, read my previous answer and do the same thing. Script works very well, but for that, server have to be properly configured.
The host fixed the error but the banners won't show up on the site, it's just the banner box with no image?
Pages: 1 2