Because obviously this type of website spreads worldwide, it would be nice to have a few different language packs available to make it more universal, and easier for none English speakers to use.
Would this be possible even as an addon purchase..
In the future will be added multilanguage system on this script.
Thank you very much

Dear Admin
Are you already started to change the script into multi lingual ?
I am busy to translate the script into german, danish and netherlands at this moment, but if you did not started yet, i could maybe realise it for us all, on the same way than in PES Pro ...
In v1.3.0 we moved 95% from texts in one single file, in this way is more easy to be translated. In further updates will be implemented multi language system.
But when a single file stores all the words are easy and everyone can move itself to the correct his tongue

(06-16-2013, 07:05 AM)igrok0075 Wrote: [ -> ]Hidden content for guests
you can do this also if they are not in one language file
on the other site it would be great if those guys would contribute them then to the community!