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Dear Admin Heart

My site is really slow and i called my hoster to give me information about it.
They told me, that the query makes the same request all the time, and thats the problem.
They told me, that it should be easy to fix it, but i don´t know how Wink

Please take a look at the query screenshot, where you can see, that it takes nearly 30 seconds to load the facebook like section.

Do you have a solution for me ?

Everything is more than normal, everytime when somebody access any module (in this case, facebook module) are some queries like this, is impossible to cache these queries or something like that, so is more than normal. If you have high activity on your website, maybe is time for a better server (VPS or Dedicated Server). Is nothing wrong here, this is the only one solution for you.

Do you know a good hoster were this script will work fast ?

I just talked to my server hoster and they are asking around 180€ a month for it Sad bad price ...

Thats very funny Wink I had a backup of my site at: and this system isn´t updated. It´s still the 1.6.9 version.
On this version, the server works fine, so it may have something to do, with one of the last 2 updates.

I don't know what exactly to recommend, you can try Hostgator or something. Anyway, in next update that query (from facebook and all other modules) will be optimised and we hope to work at least 2 times faster than before Smile