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Full Version: YouTube adding likes page error
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When a member goes to add a page for Youtube likes, he gets error:

"Likes feature must be enabled if you want to add this video!"

Maybe I'm blind but I cannot find the option anywhere to enable it.

Thank you.
Hmm, try Settings > Youtube Settings
Thanks but I'm just getting a setting for API there, nothing else.

Does it work fine for you?

Thank you.
Yeah you need to type in the Youtube API key there, you can see an info box at the same page.

It works for me yes.
Yes I know that well and have done so since the very start and the API key is correct.

YouTube Views & Subs works fine.
Then I don't know what the problem is Sad You should contact the admin.

The person who uploaded video on Youtube can disable video rating (likes) so user can't like video. These videos are not allowed in the system (because user can't like them), this is why this message appear.