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+--- Thread: NEW PES PRO VERSION ONLINE? (/thread-new-pes-pro-version-online.html)

NEW PES PRO VERSION ONLINE? - deadlef - 08-11-2016

Hey a new pes pro version is updated!!! WOOOW..

I have some questions.

- Few security improvements and bugs fixed
- Some deprecated modules removed
- Romanian Language Pack added (used to be paid language pack, now is included by default)

Updated Files

- bank.php
- redirect.php
- register.php
- surf.php
- admin-panel/index.php
- admin-panel/sections/ <- This folder
- languages/ <- This folder
- system/libs/ <- This folder
- system/modules/ <- This folder
- system/config.php
- system/version.php

can someone tell me what are the changes in the folders?

what is changed in bank.php?

RE: NEW PES PRO VERSION ONLINE? - rudolfrasta2 - 08-11-2016

I can not tell you all changes, I'm not a programmer. But I've used winmerge to compare the files:

There are not many changes and you can see it at the date from the files, which have changed.

The biggest change is an intern dereferer. You have to update all extern modules which used a derefer.

I hope you understand my english Wink

RE: NEW PES PRO VERSION ONLINE? - kasabezwysilku - 08-11-2016

In bank.php was deleted "EgoPay" gateway, because EgoPay is scam and no more avaible. You don't really need to update bank.php if you don't want (admin-panel/sections/gateways.php too).

RE: NEW PES PRO VERSION ONLINE? - deadlef - 08-19-2016

is twitter module working complete?