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Autosurf videos?

What do you think about changing the youtube views module to autosurf instead of clicking on each video just like the surf module?

It would be better for the site, people would receive more views as it is better to have more views than subscribers on youtube.

Now you might think that people will only autosurf videos and that they won't use the other modules. Well, what about taking off CPC offer on youtube views and make so that every video is worth 1 or 2 coins? That way, everyone has equal chance of getting views and points.

Tell me what you think Smile

First time when "Powerful Exchange System" was created, this module was "auto views" and many customers requested to make this module how is now, because in this way, users can chose what video to see.

I don't think that people use our sites to watch the videos, the only reason that they do that is becuase they want coins but I understand how you think.

Is it possible to add an option in admin cp to disable/enable autoview just like with the surf module?

No, when was on "auto" mode, many users abused about that feature, I'm sorry, but I don't make these changes.

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