Because we want to improve our support and updates quality, we had to reduce "lifetime" free updates and support to one year (2 years if you select Extended Support during checkout). After this time, you will have to purchase the product again, to be able to download latest version of product from our store or to receive support. We know this doesn't sound good for many of you, but you have to understand that in this way will improve our products quality and will be good for all of you.
Also, if you purchased Developer or Reseller license, when you want to renew your updates and support, is enough to purchase Standard License with no extra options.
Now, I also have some good news for you, because of those changes, we will release soon responsive template for all our products, starting with our top product Hidden content for guests.
Thank you!
Because we want to improve our support and updates quality, we had to reduce "lifetime" free updates and support to one year (2 years if you select Extended Support during checkout). After this time, you will have to purchase the product again, to be able to download latest version of product from our store or to receive support. We know this doesn't sound good for many of you, but you have to understand that in this way will improve our products quality and will be good for all of you.
Also, if you purchased Developer or Reseller license, when you want to renew your updates and support, is enough to purchase Standard License with no extra options.
Now, I also have some good news for you, because of those changes, we will release soon responsive template for all our products, starting with our top product Hidden content for guests.
Thank you!
New project on the market: Hidden content for guests