05-04-2013, 01:21 PM
Well the title really says it all, I would think it would be a really nice paid add-on to have an integrated achievements portion to give users something to reach for. I know the source is no encrypted so I could do this my-self but honestly I feel like I would fail miserably at it. I also know there is a plugin that has the same idea as this but I did not really like the idea he went for. I think each achievement should give little rewards that can be set.
For example in the admin panel there would be a box for
Achievement Name: ____________
Type: Value : Amount of Clicks/Amount of Referrals/Amount of Pages Added/Amount of money spent...
Reward: Value : Coins/Cash/VIP
/ = Multi Selection
Could be expanded further into an achievement point system for ranking but that is pushing it
Well thanks for reading if you read it all. If Admin declines this, then I hope someone else will pick up on this!
For example in the admin panel there would be a box for
Achievement Name: ____________
Type: Value : Amount of Clicks/Amount of Referrals/Amount of Pages Added/Amount of money spent...
Reward: Value : Coins/Cash/VIP
/ = Multi Selection
Could be expanded further into an achievement point system for ranking but that is pushing it

Well thanks for reading if you read it all. If Admin declines this, then I hope someone else will pick up on this!