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auto generated password on sign up
Hello guys

I have just been reading some threads here and many people have said they have problems with people trying to crack passwords.

well one good way is to auto generate password on sign up most crackers will not even bother to try and crack the site passwords.

The only thing wrong with this is that we would be relying on the email being received by the user.

I know this can be an issue as some of us use offshore hosting and sometimes users don't received emails but this would stop most crackers.

Capcha can be bypassed easy and doesn't really help. just thought i would mention maybe an option in admin to auto gen passwords switchable on or off.
if not maybe a password strength meter

Thanks for reading

You could use something like this if you have knowledge about php to generate a random password string.
Hidden content for guests

And when you send the email make sure to include your new field which includes the password
ex: <p>Password : '.$password.'</p>

Quote:Hidden content for guests
Thanks for this but i have no idea about php maybe some one can work it out and put it into a future release should help alot


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