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Better Stats
What about more stats in the admin panel?
The more the better! I know it can create a heavy load on the server but these I think are a must!

- How many referrals in the past day and all time
- How much money you own to referrals (This is currently very hard to track)
- Where it says x today maybe could add in "x best day 01-02-2013" or something so we know if we are improving on this?

I also think on the admin homepage that you should make the number clickable.
For example if you click "Online Members" brings up a new page with who's online, or if you click "Banned Members" take you to a page showing banned members, the reason why they are banned, etc.
This would be the same for sales, which is important.

These updates are important, as this will save so much more time, and would make the admin panel so much more powerful.

Script doesn't count everything, for example, are counted just "today clicks" and "total clicks". Everyday, "today clicks" starts from 0, script doesn't keep histories for these stats, because will increase your database with alot of useless things. These stats are more than enough to know how active is your website, too many useless things doesn't affect just admin panel, but also will increase server usage and will make your website hard to navigate for your users, that's mean you need an more powerful dedicated server faster, do you want that? Thank you for your suggestions, some from these maybe will be implemented, like clickable numbers.

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