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Buy premium with clicks

Another feature that I really like, what do you think?


Members can become VIP for X hours if they have clicked X times on custom module (likes/followers/subs - admin can choose). And, X total points earned to get X hours VIP.


5 hours VIP = 60 click on facebook likes
1 hours VIP = 40 click on youtube subscribers
24 hours VIP = 500 total points (within 24h)

Why this feature?

1. Members will become more active.
2. Admin can choose which module required X click depending on how active a module is. Let's say that youtube subscribers get 500 cliks/day while twitter followers get 10 click a day. Admin can then choose to require X click on twitter followers in order to give 5h VIP.

I personaly would LOVE to see this added as this would help inactive sites so much!

What do you guys think?

EDIT: I would even donate for this!

Maybe in the future will be added, but for the moment we are focused on another features.
agreed with this thing ... the greed of this feature on YLH made me to start my own site ... Tongue
Get Registered and enjoy

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Is this possible to get as an paid plugin at least?

Your members doesn't becomes more active because of that feature, they use your website for exchanges, not for VIP. They already can buy VIP by cash or coins, if that feature is added, worth of vip account will be decreased, in short time vip will be useless. If you need active users, promote your website more, that feature will don't increase activity. Topic closed for the moment.

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