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how to set minimum coin given?
sorry if this not right place,just wanna to ask ,how to set minimum coins for cpc?

Minimum CPC is 2 and cannot be changed.

how to set cpc to two? and why this can't changed?
i set max cpc for vip up to 50 and free is up to 25,is it possibily to make some range between higher and lower?
jusk asking

Minimum CPC cannot be changed because is useless. For example, why to set minimum CPC 20 and maximum CPC 30 when you can set minimum CPC 2 and maximum CPC 10 (is the same thing, but with lower numbers and system works more easy)? Minimum CPC is 2 (and cannot be lower than 2), because 1 coin is kept by the system, and if CPC will be 1, then user will receive 0 coins, this is why minimum CPC is 2 ans also this is why is useless to change minimum CPC.

P.S: I don't understand why you set maximum CPC so high, is useless. I think 10 for free users and 20 for premium will be more than enough, why to allow users to chose thousands of coins, is useless.

i just wanna to know how set minimun CPC to 10 and maximum to 30.if is not possible, so is oke.
the reason is basic human behavior for money seeker they thing big and wanna big even the result is same.just marketing mind set and purpose only ,nothing big deal.
I would recommend against doing this but if you would like me to make this for you then send me a message and we can work something out.

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