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I would like some modifications (PAID)
Dear Community

I am looking for a couple modifications.

- I will not tell my budget. I will wait for your price offer Smile

1. Friend invite-module for facebook

2. Friend invite-module for e-mail (not sure how this can be secure (no fake accepted)

3. A WHOLE custom design. Other colors, better design. No Footer branding (I paid for it)

4. A custom home page with Youtube Video on it (I have to be able to easy edit what video's)

5. Phone-Sms payment module

6. Chat for the users (only for users)

7. The mn-shortner has to be included in the website.

8. Pay-Per-Download part. Where the users can pay X-coins to upload a file (Has to be safe. Notting that can infect my server) And share the link. If somebody want to download the link they will come on a page kind of above with 2 banners + 10sec timer. Once timer is over they have to fill in some kind of captcha. And then the file download and the user gets Y-Coins.
8.1 *X Has to be easy changeable. Y has to be easy changeable.

9. A shop page where users can add a product like an e-book a .zip file or something. Pay X-amount of coins/balance to add their product in shop.
All other users will be able to buy their products for coins/balance. X should be easy editable. So I can say that adding to store cost for example 267 coins.

10. possibility to choose what modules are used, and wich not.

11. Easy swap page Balance-Coins. I can choose the rates & the fee on every exchange.

12. Bitcoins payment has to be accepted & easy editable.

13. QR code generator included in the website. They can generate a QR code. And if somebody scans the link they will come on a page kind of above with 2 banners + 10sec timer. Once timer is over they have to fill in some kind of captcha. And then the file download and the user gets X-Coins.(easy editable)

14. Easy editable homepage. I should be able to edit that page with html. So I can choose the message there in html. (html file.) ***Attachment***


I know it is a lot. If you can do one (or more) of my requests. Please contact me with what you can do, howmuch you ask for it. I will ALWAYS response.
Thank you

Attached Files Thumbnail(s) - All about PES-Pro! Modules, Theme's, Scripts, Contacts!
i think that many of us can do some things, but i think that is a community and all share idea, improvements, etc..
This improvements that you propose must do among all.
I know it should. But I would like it now.. And not in a couple months/years Smile - All about PES-Pro! Modules, Theme's, Scripts, Contacts!

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