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Module Chat Room
Today I introduce a talking gadget is integrated into the system PES Pro.
It is run entirely separately so it will not affect your system
You can register a new account or enter a name to be able to chat.
I have used it as a trading platform for members to exchange, discuss and purchase coins. Big Grin

Advantages: Chat system with multi-language support.
Cons: No support for a private conversation

I will share this add if more people ask, and let me know what you're thinking
Some pictures are attached below
Have Fun

Quote:Hidden content for guests

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I would love to have this Smile
I also love to have this.. Thanks~
Yeah, I want it too Big Grin
Me tooooooooooooooooooo

Hidden content for guests
I would love to integrate this into my site
yeah, me too - nice idea Smile
I would love to have this
Hi, I saw this post and realized I wanted a chat, so I started searching and found one that I am customizing to make incorporate it to PES Pro.
I'm using PHP Free Chat 1.6 Script.
Once I'm finished with it I'll share it with the community, and if someone wants to help to make it be done faster that would be awesome Big Grin
Here is a demo of what I have for know, I'm working in adding, ip ban, clean chat history when users connect and adding Rooms,
This is what I have for now:
Hi again, I completed the chat, here you can see a demo:
It requires registration.
This is how it looks like:

[IMG]Hidden content for guests[/IMG]

I will upload a new update when I have it with some permision

Okay, so here you can download the script:

To upload it, upload the phpfreechat-1.6 file to your FTP without the
chat.php file.
And upload chat.php in public_html

You will have to edit chat.php to put your admin user name and password.

In line 12 of chat.php you will be able to change it ADMIN-USER PASSWORD.

Hidden content for guests

Now edit header.php in line 128 put this:
Hidden content for guests

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