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Module Polls
Please send a message to me if you really need.
Demo image is attached below

Download link :

server upload directory Polls
importer data polls.sql
configure db_connect.php file
username, dataname password
Add the following code in the header.php file

Quote:Hidden content for guests

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Will be nice if you attach module here (upload it or post download url), in this way, who need it, can download it Smile
Nice addon , but if it will be in special page , it will be more nice to take some opinions from users
Yeah I agree
it is simply connected to a iframe
Admin why not add this also?
(02-17-2013, 11:04 PM)murlox Wrote: Hidden content for guests


Because we accept suggestions, but we add only what we think usefull, we don't implement every suggestion. Everybody is free to do what they want with their websites, this is why script isn't encoded.
I found a problem with this script, the cookie's expiry date is set to infinity which is unacceptable by most servers, I don't know why, and it will cause an issue to display the result instantly on screen, the loading icon keep running forever but nothing happens. If anyone is having this issue, just open the file vote.php and find the line at 11
setcookie('poll_'.$poll_id, 1, time() * (60 * 60 * 5),'/');

and replace with this
setcookie('poll_'.$poll_id, 1, time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 365),'/');

I set my cookie expires in 1 year, you may probably want it longer.

Hope this help
what this module exactly for and how to work? facebook poll or what?
it looks so useful ima try it =)
(03-24-2013, 11:19 PM)like4pro Wrote: Hidden content for guests

This is a PHP / MySQL stand-alone poll.

All he is doing is using an iframe to display a poll from another page. You can do the same for a Facebook poll if you wish to do that.

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