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please help - last update captcha problem

I am creating a web PES Meade's script and the latest update has stopped working the captcha image is not displayed.
I ask for help to solve the problem since I have not found the solution. I have written to support PES but have not received an answer.
I await your response and I are also available if you need help on any other question.
The website I'm creating is systemlike dot com.

The provisional index is in the following path:

thank you very much.

A greeting.

From what version you have updated? Have your replaced all files? As I can see, "fonts" folder (and content from this folder) missing on your website, is required.

Thanks for your reply.
I replaced all the files listed in the instructions of the update and everything works fine except the captcha is not shown.
Where could he be wrong?
Thank you.
A greeting.

From what version have you updated? If you updated from a lower version than 1.6.7, you have to upload all files, without "system/database.php", "install" folder and your logo. I have already told you where is the problem, you haven't uploaded "fonts" folder.
Sorry my English is very bad, I did not understand your message correctly. I will review the folders you tell me missing. thank you very much. greetings

install and update v1.6.5 to v1.6.8

Sorry, can not find the font folder

ok and I could fix it, what I was saying about the fonts folder. Thank you so much for your attention and help, and congratulations for your work, I really like your scripst and surely buy some more.
A hug Smile

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