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responsive design?
is there any tool on www which can generate a responsive design of my design?

so that the script looks good for mobile tablets and phones
exchange some of my users, it would be better to work on their iphone or ipad.
Before you spend a lot of time be aware that the way mobile safari and some other mobile browsers treat pop up windows will stop some of the exchanges working they way they should.

Steve Head, Content Manager
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(03-16-2013, 01:52 AM)stevehead Wrote: Hidden content for guests

You could however replace the JS popup with modal windows which work perfectly on mobiles.

I am in the process of creating a fully functional mobile version of PES Pro that functions how it should as well as having a mobile layout.
That sounds very nice - look forward to seeing it in the showcase!

Steve Head, Content Manager
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(03-20-2013, 01:22 AM)stevehead Wrote: Hidden content for guests

Probably wont be showcasing it, just selling to those interested

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