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wanna to know how to upgrade without problems
Now i still on version 1.8.3 and wanna to upgrade to 1.8.9 so what i have to do to upgrade without any problems
I think that you need to upload the edited files from each version.
So you will have to look what was changed in 1.8.4 and upload those files. Then watch 1.8.5 and upload those files etc.
omg and how i get this versions i don't have them
(04-18-2013, 09:47 PM)click4like Wrote: Hidden content for guests

Just download the latest version but upload the edited files from each version.
i already downloaded it how i know edited files from each version also i changed my website style
You can see what was changed in CHANGELOG.txt.
It depends what you have changed in your exchange. If you have just changed colours etc style with style.css then it's very easy to upgrade. If you have major customisation then it takes a long while as you have to compare the html/php code on the current and new files line by line.

Don't jump straight from 1.8.3 to 1.8.9 - you have to upgrade each version at a time for it to work properly.

Steve Head, Content Manager
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Just run a DIFF report.

And that's why you upgrade on each new version to make the process slightly easier and pain free.

You have 2 options.
1) Upload and replace all files, without "system/database.php", "promo" folder and without "theme/pes/images/logo.png". Is very easy, but all custom changes will be lost.
2) See on "Updated files.txt" what files were changed from version 1.8.3 until 1.8.9, upload and replace all these changed files.


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