Paypal offers payment by credit card but I have stewed tariffs are too high ....
A user has charged the sum of € 1.00 paypal to € 0.38 cents and I wanted to just € 0.62 as there seems that the price is too high??
I ask only a form where you can enter our data, then the user must make the payment only through its CC from your bank or post office, then you are paying by credit card sites and then safely and crypted. ...
Here's an example:
I want me to pay by credit card PostePay
the administration panel insert only the following data:
Name and surname of cardholder: Mario Rossi
Number paper Recharge: 428833820202020
Tax Code Cardholder: fjdhf48848484ohfhfhoy7fohlfho8wf
end ....
At the time of purchase, the user receives the message with the amount to be paid and the data that I wrote above.
The customer goes on cua bank or post office and send a payment safely ....
Or linking to the Site (EXAMPLE) and sends a payment to our paper.
All this happens because even secure web site (example) works co SSL certificate so everything is safe ...
You only releases the data to the client so that the client can perform safely through its website to send a payment to your card ......
Obviously then need a confirmation of payment via admin panel ....
And manually add credits ...
I hope it is understandable what I mean ..
Greetings to all ..
A user has charged the sum of € 1.00 paypal to € 0.38 cents and I wanted to just € 0.62 as there seems that the price is too high??
I ask only a form where you can enter our data, then the user must make the payment only through its CC from your bank or post office, then you are paying by credit card sites and then safely and crypted. ...
Here's an example:
I want me to pay by credit card PostePay
the administration panel insert only the following data:
Name and surname of cardholder: Mario Rossi
Number paper Recharge: 428833820202020
Tax Code Cardholder: fjdhf48848484ohfhfhoy7fohlfho8wf
end ....
At the time of purchase, the user receives the message with the amount to be paid and the data that I wrote above.
The customer goes on cua bank or post office and send a payment safely ....
Or linking to the Site (EXAMPLE) and sends a payment to our paper.
All this happens because even secure web site (example) works co SSL certificate so everything is safe ...
You only releases the data to the client so that the client can perform safely through its website to send a payment to your card ......
Obviously then need a confirmation of payment via admin panel ....
And manually add credits ...
I hope it is understandable what I mean ..
Greetings to all ..